torsdag 8. mai 2014

New hide!

So now i am ready for the Pine Marten. Have been a long project but now it’s ready.

The new hide
Pine Marten have been there for more than two years now and during the period i was building he was not taking food at all.I  was a litle bit afraid he was totaly gone, and my investment was a cabin in the forrest without any animal!! But two days after I was finished he was there again.

It’s also a great plase to take other pictures and the morning and evening light is stunning.
Pius Notter and his wife Brigitte have been in the hide midday and they did not see the Pine Marten but that is not a good time. They knew that. But realy great backlight, Squirrels and lots of small birds.
In the hide
Pius Notte is making ready to try the new hide

So now it’s time to get the first picture!! My wife Wenche , who are realy interessted in taking pictures now will be there a few nights during summer. I have also guests who is coming this summer and want to try.
This could be e great combination Pine Marten, Sea Eagles, Moose and lot more.

Great place to stay, two good beds and toilet
I have some days available during early July and also Sept. Realy looking forward to see who will get it first picture.

You are welcome to beautiful Flatanger. “fish is out eagle is coming”

12 kommentarer:

  1. Grattis med nytt, flott fotoskjul. Det ser ut til å vær et luksusskjul... Miljøet utenfor ser veldig bra ut. Lykke til med mårfanten!

  2. Takk Svein Roger. Blir skikkelig spennende dette. Har jo sett Mår sånn i forbifarten men jeg må ta noen runder i skjulet jeg også. Stort ønske om å se dette dyret.Skjulet er såpass ok at det er helt ok å sove der. 2 senger. Ei på 200cm+120cm og den andre 90cm + 200cm. Ha en flottsommer.Ole M

  3. Lykke til med det nye prosjektet! Snakkes. Willy

    1. Takk Willy. Vi snakkes:


  4. Gratulerer med nytt skjul Ole Martin! Lenge siden jeg har vært på dine trakter nå, spørs om jeg ikke må avlegge et besøk snart :)

    Knut Børge

  5. Hvordan går det med dette prosjektet? Du må gi beskjed når de første bildene har kommet!

  6. Gratulerer med skjulet. Ser virkelig flott og funksjonelt ut. Blir spennende å følge prosjektet ditt videre.

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